Stores mix (crossfade) durations to be applied when AnimationState animations are changed.




@:value(0.0)defaultMix:Float = 0.0

The mix duration to use when no mix duration has been defined between two animations.


The SkeletonData to look up animations when they are specified by name.


getMix(from:Animation, to:Animation):Float

Returns the mix duration to use when changing from the specified animation to the other, or the {@link #defaultMix} if no mix duration has been set.

setMix(fromName:String, toName:String, duration:Float):Void

Sets a mix duration by animation name.

See also:

  • setMixWith.

setMixWith(from:Animation, to:Animation, duration:Float):Void

Sets the mix duration when changing from the specified animation to the other.

See TrackEntry.mixDuration.