Stores settings and other state for the playback of an animation on an AnimationState track.

References to a track entry must not be kept after the AnimationStateListener.dispose event occurs.



Values < 1 mix this animation with the skeleton's current pose (usually the pose resulting from lower tracks). Defaults to 1, which overwrites the skeleton's current pose with this animation.

Typically track 0 is used to completely pose the skeleton, then alpha is used on higher tracks. It doesn't make sense to use alpha on track 0 if the skeleton pose is from the last frame render.


The animation to apply for this track entry.


Seconds for the last frame of this animation. Non-looping animations won't play past this time. Looping animations will loop back to animationStart at this time. Defaults to the animation Animation.duration.


The time in seconds this animation was last applied. Some timelines use this for one-time triggers. Eg, when this animation is applied, event timelines will fire all events between the animationLast time (exclusive) and getAnimationTime() (inclusive). Defaults to -1 to ensure triggers on frame 0 happen the first time this animation is applied.


Seconds when this animation starts, both initially and after looping. Defaults to 0.

When changing the animationStart time, it often makes sense to set animationLast to the same value to prevent timeline keys before the start time from triggering.


When the mix percentage (mixtime / mixDuration) is less than the attachmentThreshold, attachment timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, so attachment timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out.


Seconds to postpone playing the animation. When this track entry is the current track entry, delay postpones incrementing the trackTime. When this track entry is queued, delay is the time from the start of the previous animation to when this track entry will become the current track entry (ie when the previous track entry TrackEntry.trackTime >= this track entry's delay).

timeScale affects the delay.


When the mix percentage (mixTime / mixDuration) is less than the drawOrderThreshold, draw order timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, so draw order timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out.


When the mix percentage (mixTime / mixDuration) is less than the eventThreshold, event timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, so event timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out.


If true, when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, the previous animation is applied as normal instead of being mixed out.

When mixing between animations that key the same property, if a lower track also keys that property then the value will briefly dip toward the lower track value during the mix. This happens because the first animation mixes from 100% to 0% while the second animation mixes from 0% to 100%. Setting holdPrevious to true applies the first animation at 100% during the mix so the lower track value is overwritten. Such dipping does not occur on the lowest track which keys the property, only when a higher track also keys the property.

Snapping will occur if holdPrevious is true and this animation does not key all the same properties as the previous animation.


The listener for events generated by this track entry, or null.

A track entry returned from AnimationState.setAnimation is already the current animation for the track, so the track entry listener AnimationStateListener.start will not be called.


If true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its duration.

@:value(replace)mixBlend:MixBlend = replace

Controls how properties keyed in the animation are mixed with lower tracks. Defaults to MixBlend.replace, which replaces the values from the lower tracks with the animation values. MixBlend.add adds the animation values to the values from the lower tracks.

The mixBlend can be set for a new track entry only before AnimationState.apply is first called.


Seconds for mixing from the previous animation to this animation. Defaults to the value provided by AnimationStateData.getMix based on the animation before this animation (if any).

A mix duration of 0 still mixes out over one frame to provide the track entry being mixed out a chance to revert the properties it was animating.

The mixDuration can be set manually rather than use the value from AnimationStateData.getMix. In that case, the mixDuration can be set for a new track entry only before AnimationState.update is first called.

When using AnimationState.addAnimation with a delay <= 0, note the delay is set using the mix duration from the AnimationStateData, not a mix duration set afterward.


Seconds from 0 to the mixDuration when mixing from the previous animation to this animation. May be slightly more than mixDuration when the mix is complete.

read onlymixingFrom:Null<TrackEntry>

The track entry for the previous animation when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, or null if no mixing is currently occuring. When mixing from multiple animations, mixingFrom makes up a linked list.

read onlymixingTo:Null<TrackEntry>

The track entry for the next animation when mixing from this animation to the next animation, or null if no mixing is currently occuring. When mixing to multiple animations, mixingTo makes up a linked list.

read onlynext:Null<TrackEntry>

The animation queued to start after this animation, or null. next makes up a linked list.


Multiplier for the delta time when this track entry is updated, causing time for this animation to pass slower or faster. Defaults to 1.

mixTime is not affected by track entry time scale, so mixDuration may need to be adjusted to match the animation speed.

When using AnimationState.addAnimation with a delay <= 0, note the delay is set using the mix duration from the AnimationStateData, assuming time scale to be 1. If the time scale is not 1, the delay may need to be adjusted.

See AnimationState.timeScale for affecting all animations.


The track time in seconds when this animation will be removed from the track. Defaults to the highest possible float value, meaning the animation will be applied until a new animation is set or the track is cleared. If the track end time is reached, no other animations are queued for playback, and mixing from any previous animations is complete, then the properties keyed by the animation are set to the setup pose and the track is cleared.

It may be desired to use AnimationState.addEmptyAnimation rather than have the animation abruptly cease being applied.

read onlytrackIndex:Int

The index of the track where this track entry is either current or queued.

See AnimationState.getCurrent.


Current time in seconds this track entry has been the current track entry. The track time determines getAnimationTime(). The track time can be set to start the animation at a time other than 0, without affecting looping.



Uses trackTime to compute the animationTime, which is between animationStart and animationEnd. When the trackTime is 0, the animationTime is equal to the animationStart time.


Returns true if at least one loop has been completed.

See also:


Resets the rotation directions for mixing this entry's rotate timelines. This can be useful to avoid bones rotating the long way around when using alpha and starting animations on other tracks.

Mixing with MixBlend.replace involves finding a rotation between two others, which has two possible solutions: the short way or the long way around. The two rotations likely change over time, so which direction is the short or long way also changes. If the short way was always chosen, bones would flip to the other side when that direction became the long way. TrackEntry chooses the short way the first time it is applied and remembers that direction.