Stores the setup pose for a {@link TransformConstraint}.

See Transform constraints in the Spine User Guide.




@:value(new Array<BoneData>())bones:Array<BoneData> = new Array<BoneData>()

The bones that will be modified by this transform constraint.

@:value(false)local:Bool = false

@:value(0.0)offsetRotation:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone rotation.

@:value(0.0)offsetScaleX:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone scaleX.

@:value(0.0)offsetScaleY:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone scaleY.

@:value(0.0)offsetShearY:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone shearY.

@:value(0.0)offsetX:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone X translation.

@:value(0.0)offsetY:Float = 0.0

An offset added to the constrained bone Y translation.

@:value(false)relative:Bool = false

@:value(0.0)rotateMix:Float = 0.0

A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained rotations.

@:value(0.0)scaleMix:Float = 0.0

A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained scales.

@:value(0.0)shearMix:Float = 0.0

A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained shears.


The target bone whose world transform will be copied to the constrained bones.

@:value(0.0)translateMix:Float = 0.0

A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained translations.

Inherited Variables

Defined by ConstraintData



Inherited Methods