5.1 Blocks

A block in Haxe starts with an opening curly brace { and ends with a closing curly brace }. A block may contain several expressions, each of which is followed by a semicolon ;. The general syntax is thus:


The value and by extension the type of a block-expression is equal to the value and the type of the last sub-expression.

Blocks can contain local variables declared by var expression, as well as local functions declared by function expressions. These are available within the block and within sub-blocks, but not outside the block. Also, they are available only after their declaration. The following example uses var, but the same rules apply to function usage:

    a; // error, a is not declared yet
    var a = 1; // declare a
    a; // ok, a was declared
        a; // ok, a is available in sub-blocks
  // ok, a is still available after
    // sub-blocks    
a; // error, a is not available outside

At runtime, blocks are evaluated from top to bottom. Control flow (e.g. exceptions or return expressions) may leave a block before all expressions are evaluated.