1.2 About this Document

This document is the official manual for Haxe 3. As such, it is not a beginner's tutorial and does not teach programming. However, the topics are roughly designed to be read in order and there are references to topics "previously seen" and topics "yet to come". In some cases, an earlier section makes use of the information of a later section if it simplifies the explanation. These references are linked accordingly and it should generally not be a problem to read ahead on other topics.

We use a lot of Haxe source code to keep a practical connection of theoretical matters. These code examples are often complete programs that come with a main function and can be compiled as-is. However, sometimes only the most important parts are shown. Source code looks like this:

Haxe code here

Occasionally, we demonstrate how Haxe code is generated, for which we usually show the JavaScript target.

Furthermore, we define a set of terms in this document. Predominantly, this is done when introducing a new type or when a term is specific to Haxe. We do not define every new aspect we introduce, e.g. what a class is, to avoid cluttering the text. A definition looks like this:

Define: Definition name

Definition description

In a few places, this document has trivia-boxes. These include off-the-record information such as why certain decisions were made during Haxe's development or how a particular feature has been changed in past Haxe versions. This information is generally not important and can be skipped as it is only meant to convey trivia:

Trivia: About Trivia

This is trivia.