2.8.3 Array Access

Array access describes the particular syntax traditionally used to access the value in an array at a certain offset. This is usually only allowed with arguments of type Int. Nevertheless, with abstracts it is possible to define custom array access methods. The Haxe Standard Library uses this in its Map type, where the following two methods can be found:

public inline function get(key:K) {
  return this.get(key);
public inline function arrayWrite(k:K, v:V):V {
    this.set(k, v);
    return v;

There are two kinds of array access methods:

  • If an @:arrayAccess method accepts one argument, it is a getter.
  • If an @:arrayAccess method accepts two arguments, it is a setter.

The methods get and arrayWrite seen above then allow the following usage:

class Main {
  public static function main() {
    var map = new Map();
    map["foo"] = 1;

At this point it should not be surprising to see that calls to the array access fields are inserted in the output:

console.log(map.get("foo")); // 1
Order of array access resolving

Due to a bug in Haxe versions before 3.2 the order of checked :arrayAccess fields was undefined. This was fixed for Haxe 3.2 so that the fields are now consistently checked from top to bottom:

abstract AString(String) {
  public function new(s) this = s;
  @:arrayAccess function getInt1(k:Int) {
    return this.charAt(k);
  @:arrayAccess function getInt2(k:Int) {
    return this.charAt(k).toUpperCase();

class Main {
  static function main() {
    var a = new AString("foo");
    trace(a[0]); // f

The array access a[0] is resolved to the getInt1 field, leading to lower case f being returned. The result might be different in Haxe versions before 3.2.

Fields which are defined earlier take priority even if they require an implicit cast.