3.4 Variance

While variance is also relevant in other places, it occurs particularly often with type parameters and comes as a surprise in this context. Additionally, it is very easy to trigger variance errors:

class Base {
  public function new() { }

class Child extends Base { }

class Main {
  public static function main () {
    var children = [new Child()];
    // Array<Child> should be Array<Base>
    // Type parameters are invariant
    // Child should be Base
    var bases:Array<Base> = children;

Apparently, an Array<Child> cannot be assigned to an Array<Base>, even though Child can be assigned to Base. The reason for this might be somewhat unexpected: It is not allowed because arrays can be written to, e.g. via their push() method. It is easy to generate problems by ignoring variance errors:

class Base {
  public function new() { }

class Child extends Base { }

class OtherChild extends Base { }

class Main {
  public static function main () {
    var children = [new Child()];
    // subvert type checker
    var bases:Array<Base> = cast children;
    bases.push(new OtherChild());
    for(child in children) {

Here we subvert the type checker by using a cast, thus allowing the assignment after the commented line. With that we hold a reference bases to the original array, typed as Array<Base>. This allows pushing another type compatible with Base (OtherChild) onto that array. However, our original reference children is still of type Array<Child> and things go bad when we encounter the OtherChild instance in one of its elements while iterating.

If Array had no push() method and no other means of modification, the assignment would be safe because no incompatible type could be added to it. In Haxe, we can achieve this by restricting the type accordingly using structural subtyping:

class Base {
  public function new() { }

class Child extends Base { }

typedef MyArray<T> = {
  public function pop():T;

class Main {
  public static function main () {
    var a = [new Child()];
    var b:MyArray<Base> = a;

We can safely assign with b being typed as MyArray<Base> and MyArray only having a pop() method. There is no method defined on MyArray which could be used to add incompatible types, it is thus said to be covariant.

Define: Covariance

A compound type is considered covariant if its component types can be assigned to less specific components, i.e. if they are only read, but never written.

Define: Contravariance

A compound type is considered contravariant if its component types can be assigned to less generic components, i.e. if they are only written, but never read.