2.6.2 Default values

Haxe allows default values for arguments by assigning a constant value to them:

class Main {
  static public function main() {
    // ?i : Int -> ?s : String -> String
    trace(test()); // i: 12, s: bar
    trace(test(1)); // i: 1, s: bar
    trace(test(1, "foo")); // i: 1, s: foo
    trace(test("foo")); // i: 12, s: foo

  static function test(?i = 12, s = "bar") {
    return "i: " +i + ", s: " +s;
This example is very similar to the one from Optional Arguments, with the only difference being that the values 12 and "bar" are assigned to the function arguments i and s respectively. The effect is that the default values are used instead of null should an argument be omitted from the call.

Default values in Haxe are not part of the type and are not replaced at call-site (unless the function is inlined, which can be considered as a more typical approach. On some targets the compiler may still pass null for omitted argument values and generate code similar to this into the function:

    static function test(i = 12, s = "bar") {
        if (i == null) i = 12;
        if (s == null) s = "bar";
        return "i: " +i + ", s: " +s;

This should be considered in performance-critical code where a solution without default values may sometimes be more viable.