2.1.3 Numeric Operators

This the list of numeric operators in Haxe, grouped by descending priority.

Operator Operation Operand 1 Operand 2 Return
++ increment Int N/A Int
Float N/A Float
-- decrement Int N/A Int
Float N/A Float
+ addition Float Float Float
Float Int Float
Int Float Float
Int Int Int
- subtraction Float Float Float
Float Int Float
Int Float Float
Int Int Int
* multiplication Float Float Float
Float Int Float
Int Float Float
Int Int Int
/ division Float Float Float
Float Int Float
Int Float Float
Int Int Float
% modulo Float Float Float
Float Int Float
Int Float Float
Int Int Int
Operator Operation Operand 1 Operand 2 Return
== equal Float/Int Float/Int Bool
!= not equal Float/Int Float/Int Bool
< less than Float/Int Float/Int Bool
<= less than or equal Float/Int Float/Int Bool
> greater than Float/Int Float/Int Bool
>= great than or equal Float/Int Float/Int Bool
Operator Operation Operand 1 Operand 2 Return
~ bitwise negation Int N/A Int
& bitwise and Int Int Int
| bitwise or Int Int Int
^ bitwise xor Int Int Int
<< shift left Int Int Int
>> shift right Int Int Int
>>> unsigned shift right Int Int Int

For enums:

  • Enum without parameters Are always represent the same value, so MyEnum.A == MyEnum.A.
  • Enum with parameters Can be compared with a.equals(b) (which is a short for Type.enumEquals()).

Dynamic: Comparison involving at least one Dynamic value is unspecifed and platform-specific.