6.4.4 Structure matching

It is also possible to match against the fields of anonymous structures and instances:

enum Tree<T> {
  Node(l:Tree<T>, r:Tree<T>);

class Main {
  static public function main() {
    var myTree = Node(Leaf("foo"), Node(Leaf("bar"), Leaf("foobar")));
    var match = switch(myTree) {
      // matches any Leaf
      case Leaf(_): "0";
      // matches any Node that has r = Leaf
      case Node(_, Leaf(_)): "1";
      // matches any Node that has has
      // r = another Node, which has
      // l = Leaf("bar")
      case Node(_, Node(Leaf("bar"), _)): "2";
      // matches anything
      case _: "3";
    trace(match); // 2

    var myTree = Node(Leaf("foo"), Node(Leaf("bar"), Leaf("foobar")));
    var name = switch(myTree) {
      case Leaf(s): s;
      case Node(Leaf(s), _): s;
      case _: "none";
    trace(name); // foo

    var node = switch(myTree) {
      case Node(leafNode = Leaf("foo"), _): leafNode;
      case x: x;
    trace(node); // Leaf(foo)

    var myStructure = {
      name: "haxe",
      rating: "awesome"
    var value = switch(myStructure) {
      case { name: "haxe", rating: "poor" }:
        throw false;
      case { rating: "awesome", name: n }:
      case _:
        "no awesome language found";
    trace(value); // haxe

    var myArray = [1, 6];
    var match = switch(myArray) {
      case [2, _]: "0";
      case [_, 6]: "1";
      case []: "2";
      case [_, _, _]: "3";
      case _: "4";
    trace(match); // 1

    var match = switch(7) {
      case 4 | 1: "0";
      case 6 | 7: "1";
      case _: "2";
    trace(match); // 1

    var myArray = [7, 6];
    var s = switch(myArray) {
      case [a, b] if (b > a):
        b + ">" +a;
      case [a, b]:
        b + "<=" +a;
      case _: "found something else";
    trace(s); // 6<=7

    var s = switch [1, false, "foo"] {
      case [1, false, "bar"]: "0";
      case [_, true, _]: "1";
      case [_, false, _]: "2";
    trace(s); // 2

In the second case we bind the matched name field to identifier n if rating matches "awesome". Of course this structure could also be put into the Tree from the previous example to combine structure and enum matching.

A limitation with regards to class instances is that you cannot match against fields of their parent class.